What are we teaching?

Take a more in depth dive into how the schedule and learning program is all about.

Activities Breakdown

Week 1: Getting Comfortable with Music

● Objective: Introduce children to the world of music through fun
movement and sound activities.
● Activities:
○ Parachute Dance: Encourages free movement while exploring
animal sounds, rhythms, and self expression. We begin building
confidence in social interaction.
○ Rhythm Stomp: Simple stomp and clap rhythms help children
understand basic beats.
○ Key Benefit: Builds comfort and confidence in expressing
themselves through music and movement.

Week 2: Introduction to Instruments

● Objective: Explore a variety of musical instruments and discover
different sounds.
● Activities:
○ Instrument Parade: Children explore and play different
instruments, creating their own sounds.
○ Low and High Sounds: Children learn about pitch by jumping
for high notes and crouching for low notes on a piano.
○ Key Benefit: Develops auditory awareness and introduces
children to the concept of musical instruments.

Week 3: Exploring Sounds

● Objective: Encourage children to explore different sounds and
sound-making objects.

● Activities:
○ Sound Discovery: Use everyday objects (e.g., pots, pans) to
create and explore sounds.
○ Group Sound Collage: Each child contributes a sound to
create a collaborative “sound collage.”
○ Key Benefit: Promotes creativity and critical thinking while
developing listening skills.

Week 4: Movement and Rhythm

● Objective: Strengthen children’s understanding of rhythm through
movement and group play.
● Activities:
○ Follow the Leader: Children copy movements, encouraging
self-expression and confidence.
○ Rhythm Walk: Walking and clapping to music helps children
develop a sense of timing and coordination.
○ Key Benefit: Enhances motor skills and rhythm while
encouraging social interaction.

Week 5: Singing Together

● Objective: Help children build confidence in their voices through
group singing activities.
● Activities:
○ Sound Bubbles: Children sing simple songs while popping
bubbles, engaging their vocal cords playfully.
○ Group Call-and-Response: Children sing back phrases to
build vocal confidence and listening skills.

○ Key Benefit: Encourages verbal expression and improves
vocal coordination.

Week 6: Storytelling Through Music

● Objective: Explore storytelling and creative expression through
sound and music.
● Activities:
○ Group Story Creation: Children take turns adding sounds or
words to build a collaborative story.
○ Story Soundtrack: Together, the group creates a musical
"soundtrack" to accompany the story.
○ Key Benefit: Fosters imagination, teamwork, and active

Week 7: Exploring Emotions Through Music

● Objective: Help children understand and express different emotions
through music and movement.
● Activities:
○ Emotion Sharing: Children listen to songs and express how
they feel using emotion cards.
○ Story Connection: Share stories about emotions (happy, sad,
excited) to promote empathy and social understanding.
○ Key Benefit: Promotes emotional intelligence by encouraging
children to recognize and share their feelings.

Week 8: Celebrating and Sharing

● Objective: Celebrate the children’s progress and provide a fun,
low-pressure environment for performance.

● Activities:
○ Music Parade: Children showcase their favorite instrument or
song in a group “parade.”
○ Group Performance: Perform a collaborative piece based on
the favorite activities from the past weeks.
○ Key Benefit: Builds self-esteem and fosters a sense of
accomplishment through group performance.

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